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EtherCAT command received 0x8000 = complete frame missing Žň SlaveCount(Actual count of EtherCAT slaves received ŽúDevState˙#0x0001 = Link error 0x0002 = I/O locked after link error (I/O reset required) 0x0004 = Link error (redundancy adapter) 0x0008 = Missing one frame (redundancy mode) 0x0010 = Out of send resources (I/O reset required) 0x0020 = Watchdog triggered 0x0040 = Ethernet driver (miniport) not found 0x0080 = I/O reset active 0x0100 = At least one device in 'INIT' state 0x0200 = At least one device in 'PRE-OP' state 0x0400 = At least one device in 'SAFE-OP' state 0x0800 = At least one device indicates an error state 0x1000 = DC not in sync ŽţOutputs Ž(Frm0Ctrl˙80x0001 = prevent 1. EtherCAT command from sending (request NOP) 0x0002 = prevent 2. EtherCAT command from sending (request NOP) 0x0004 = prevent 3. EtherCAT command from sending (request NOP) ... 0x4000 = prevent 15. EtherCAT command from sending (request NOP) 0x8000 = prevent complete frame from sending Žđ) Frm0WcCtrl˙0x0001 = copy data with wrong working counter of 1. EtherCAT command 0x0002 = copy data with wrong working counter of 2. EtherCAT command 0x0004 = copy data with wrong working counter of 3. EtherCAT command ... 0x4000 = copy data with wrong working counter of 15. 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