[B 'PackInst' import /LogMemo Create:LogMemo def /Log [B LogMemo.Log ] def 10 LogMemo.SetFontSize LogMemo.Show % Define constants /BaudRate 500 def /InterfaceName 'USB-CAN converter' def /MACID 1 def /InitIdent $555 def /AckIdent $2AA def /LoaderSize 255 def % size of Loader in number of messages (255 * 8 bytes) /LoaderName 'CL_B1100.dat' def /MonitorFileName 'BootB1100_OS.h86' def /WriteEPROM [P [A /Addr /DataStr ] Addr DataStr FALSE BlockWr.WriteBlock BlockWr.GetResult 0 ne [B 'TalkError: ' BlockRd.GetResult cvs add raisese ] if [A ] ] def /LoadBinFile [P [A /FileName ] FileName fileexist [B /LogFile Create:LogFile def % Open the file with the mode = 0 (read only) FileName 0 LogFile.Open % Create the data container /Data 0 carr def [B LogFile.Eof [B ExitLoop ] if % Read 96 characters from LogFile (or less if end of file occurs). Data 96 LogFile.ReadChars add ] loop LogFile.Close ] [B FileName ' does not exist.' add raisese ] ifelse [A /Data ] ] def /LoadTextFile [P [A /FileName ] FileName fileexist [B /LogFile Create:LogFile def % Open the file with the mode = 0 (read only) FileName 0 LogFile.Open % Create the data container /Data 0 carr def [B LogFile.Eof [B ExitLoop ] if % Read line Data LogFile.ReadLine add ] loop LogFile.Close ] [B FileName ' does not exist.' add raisese ] ifelse [A /Data ] ] def [B /CANComPort Create:CANComPort def /OpenBoardFailed CANComPort.Open not def OpenBoardFailed [B CANComPort.Close 'Error: Init board error.' raisese ] if /Data $03 chr def % bit timing register BTR low byte /Data Data $6B chr add def % bit timing register BTR high byte /Data Data AckIdent $FF and chr add def % acknowledge message low byte /Data Data AckIdent $F00 and 8 shr chr add def % acknowledge message identifier high byte /Data Data LoaderSize chr add def % loader size low byte (max = $FF) /Data Data $0 chr add def % loader size high byte InitIdent 6 Data CANComPort.SendData 'Waiting response to initialization frame ...' log 100 CANComPort.WaitResponse % wait 100 ms for the answer from the controller CANComPort.GetExpired [B CANComPort.Close 'Error: processor is not in bootstrap mode.' raisese ] if % Check the answer! CANComPort.GetIdent cvs log CANComPort.GetDataStr log LoaderName LoadBinFile /Data exch def 'Sending loader...' log Data [B /DataLine exch def [B DataLine Length 8 gt [B InitIdent 8 DataLine CANComPort.SendData /DataLine DataLine 8 DataLine Length getsubstr def ] [B InitIdent DataLine Length DataLine CANComPort.SendData Exitloop ] ifelse ] loop ] forall 500 wait CANComPort.Close [B /Device Create:Device def /DeviceName 'LinMotInstall' def 'PortName' 'CAN' 'DeviceMACID' '0' 2 DeviceName 'LinMotInstall' Device.CreateDevice DeviceName /PackInst:OnMessageCallback PackInst:Init [B % Set ID and BaudRate to default (1, 500 Mbaud) /BlockWr DeviceName Create:BlockWriter def $300802 '0100' WriteEPROM % set "MACID Parameter Value" to "1" $300860 '0000' WriteEPROM % set "MACID Source Select" to "By Parameter" $300864 '0000' WriteEPROM % set "Baud Rate Source Select" to "By Parameter" $300866 'F401' WriteEPROM % set "Baud Rate Parameter Definition" to "500" % load monitor file /Data MonitorFileName LoadTextFile def 'Sending monitor software...' log Data MonitorFileName PackInst:DownloadH86File PackInst:ResetDevice 'Monitor software loaded successfully.' log LogMemo.Hide ] if Device.DestroyDevice ] [B Device.DestroyDevice raisese ] tryexcept ] [B /Dict exch def Dict.Msg ' Installation aborted!' add log ] tryexcept LogMemo.Remain ]